Tag Archives: Charles Spurgeon

Day 22 – let it rain

13 Sep

As summer tucks itself away in routine fashion until next year, fall begins its gradual appearance in the cool, gray mornings and the changing colours of leaves. And just as we’ve gotten used to the long, dry days of summer, shorter, less dry days are right around the corner. While rain in this part of the country is something that anyone who has lived for a year or more has grown accustomed to, it can become redundant to say the least in its dreary gloominess. But my devotional today offered a different perspective on the rain – a brighter perspective. Maybe on some of those dreary days to come you can draw some encouragement from this…

“Grace is a good comparison to the rain for its purity, for its refreshing and revitalizing work, for the fact it is sent from above, and for the truth that it is a work of God’s sovereignty in either being given or withheld. May you, dear reader, have showers of blessing, and may the wells you have dug be filled with water! Consider what your efforts would be without the smile of heaven! They would be like clouds without rain and pools without water.

O God of love, open the windows of heaven and pour us out a blessing!” – Charles Spurgeon (Come Unto Me, Sept 13)